Severn River Rugby Football Club

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SRRFC Hall of Fame of the Past

After a year-long hiatus, the SRRFC Hall of Fame committee is excited to resume its recognition of the best and brightest among us. Before announcing the 2021-2022 Severn River Rugby HOF class, we hope you will take a moment to read and look back at those who have already been inducted. In a forthcoming post, we will announce the newest inductees and speak to their accomplishments, in preparation for the induction ceremony at the annual SRRFC banquet on February 5, 2022.

2018-2019 Class

Henry Posko:

-Along with his brother Mike, founded the club in 1978

-Henry holds nearly all the Severn Rivers' 'firsts':

First Captain, Coach, and Selector

First recipient of the Leather Balls Award and Derby for Most Valuable Back

-Offices held:

President, Vice President, Governor, Match Secretary, and Field and Equipment

-Funded Severn River's Start:

Union dues, field expenses and first set of ugly brown jerseys

-Rugby Resume

Annapolis Rugby Club and Old Red Rugby Club

Coached first Green Hornet Coed Rugby


Mike Posko:

-Along with his brother Henry, founded the club in 1978

-Offices held:

Captain, Selector, President, Vice President and Governor

-Coordinated Tours:

England, Bahamas, Ireland twice and Trinidad

-Awards and Honors:

Most Valuable Forward (2), Most Valuable Back, and the Leather Balls Award (2)

-Rugby Resume:
Multiple PRU select side and Baltimore Area select side appearances

Played for Chesapeake Rugby Area Beer Social, Virginia Cardinals, DC Roosters, Poltoons, CRABSS, Chesapeake Rugby And Beer Select Side

Coached Severn for both 7s and 15s several times over the years


Pete Freeman:

-Offices held:

Captain, Coach, Secretary, and Field and Equipment

-Awards and Honors:

Most Valuable Back and Unsung Hero

-Rugby Resume:

PRU select side, Baltimore Areas select side, ERU, Louisiana Exiles, Virginia Cardinals, Wilmington Old Boys, CRABBS, and Severn Old Salts

Coached and coordinated Green Hornets Youth Rugby

2019-2020 Class

Marty O'Neil:

-Founder of the club's first newsletter

-Offices held:

     Captain (3); including SRRFC's first ERU Championship, Coach (2), Selector (5)

-Award and Honors:

     Most Valuable Back (2), Unsung Hero, Leather Balls Award

     Golden 7's Award for Rugby Sevens play (One of only three Severn players to receive)

-Rugby Resume:

     Severn River A-side player for 15 years

     Select Side Player

      Potomac Rugby Union (Under 23), BASS (Baltimore Areas Select Side)

     Major force in Severn River’s national level Seven’s program

      Founder of Severn River’s first Sevens Tournament

      Responsible for Severn River’s Sevens Tournament becoming an Eastern Rugby Union qualifier

      Contributed as Founder, Tournament Director, Captain, and Player


Dan Gotimer:

-Offices Held:

      SRRFC Club Coach for ten years

      Selector for multiple years

-Awards and Honors:

Unsung Hero and the Leather Balls Awards

-Rugby Resume:

Dan played for Severn River for 25 of his 39-year rugby career

     Created one of Severn River’s strongest recruitment pipelines

     Green Hornets: Co-founder of (youth) Rugby at the request of USA RFU

      Spaulding: Coached first “varsity” high school rugby game in Maryland

      Recruited and trained a teacher at Spaulding as coach to foster the sport

      Brought hundreds of kids into the rugby family

      Coach and mentor

      Coached at youth, high school, college and club levels

      Led team to the Mid-Atlantic Rugby Football Union playoffs multiple years

      Won the Mid-Atlantic Rugby Football Union Championship

      Guided six rugby players on their professional career paths

      Several high school players have gone on to win national championships at the Club  and Collegiate levels

Charlie Dayton:

-Offices Held: Vice President, Governor, Selector, Match Secretary, Field and Equipment

-Awards and Honors:

Most Valuable Forward (2), Unsung Hero, and Leather Balls Award

-Rugby Resume:

Played for Severn River for over 25 years

Played BASS, Baltimore Area Select Side, CRABSS, and the Chesapeake Rugby Area Beer Social Side

Ralph Norton

-Offices Held: President, Vice President, Governor, Selector, Match Secretary, Fields and Equipment

-Awards and Honors: Most Valuable Forward, Unsung Hero and the Leather Balls Award

-Rugby Resume:

    Played for Severn River for 20 years Played for BASS, Baltimore Area Select Side

Coached the Men's Club for 5 years, including going to the Nationals and ERU Playoffs twice