SRRFC Hall of Fame Class of 2022-2023 Inductee: Jason Dunbar

From the desk of the SRRFC Hall of Fame Committee:

When a 6’4” 250+ pound monster from Carroll County decides to play rugby, good things are bound to happen.

At a time when the Men's squad was on the other side of a great run, nationally, Jason Dunbar stood up and led the transition from the old guard to the new kids on the block in the late '90s and into the next decade.

Believe it or not, Jason was a voice of reason on the pitch. Without his assertiveness, perseverance, high expectations and lead-by-example attitude, the Severn River Rugby Club may not exist as it does today.

As Captain from 2000-2010, Jason propelled his team from the basement of Division 3 to winning Division 2, and ultimately convincing MARFU that Severn belonged in the Premier League with the likes of PAC, NoVA, and Washington.

Jason received the Most Valuable Forward award during his time at Severn, only overshadowed slightly by his earning of the coveted YAD award. 

From the onset, Jason held any position necessary to build up the Club. This included Social Chair, Match Secretary, Field & Equipment Manager, Treasurer, Governor, and Vice President. Although Jason has a huge personality on the pitch, his focus on administrative leadership proved not only his versatility, but also his desire to help the Club grow. 

The only position Jason didn’t hold during his reign was Club President, which at the time was held by fellow hall of fame member, Steve Compo. Compo said, “Personally, I don't think there was another person who would have had the impact Jason had on the rest of us to build something bigger than what we were. There’s nothing we would not have done for one another then and if Jason made a request today, I’d be there without hesitation.” Steve and Jason’s shared vision for the Club was instrumental in forging Severn’s way forward. Financial security, a home pitch to be proud of, and recruitment and re-tension were all on the pair's agenda. Jason helped the club grow financially and to achieve the larger vision we see today. He helped withdraw a loan to re-do the pitch, place the goal posts, and add the irrigation system to the field. The Ravens fundraising, which has continued to be key in creating a financial base for the club, was another of his projects with Steve. They welcomed the Women's team to the Club and supported several youth clubs through Anne Arundel County. Jason used his position at Aerotek staffing agency to help more than 20 ruggers find work to stay in the area. This was instrumental to holding on to key players and creating the feeling of family that lies at the heart of Jason's love for not only Severn River, but the sport of rugby.

Known for his colorful phrases on the pitch and his unrelenting efforts to make the club better for his current teammates, and to improve it for his future ones, the Severn River Rugby Club is honored to induct Jason Dunbar into the Hall of Fame. 

So, raise your SoCo and lime shot in the air...

Severn River Rugby Football Club Class of 2023 Inductee: Jason Horst Dunbar


Annual Club Banquet and Hall of Fame Induction 2023


SRRFC Hall of Fame Class of 2022-2023 Inductee: Jon Holtzman