New Officers Voted In and By-Laws Ratified
On Thursday, June 29th, 2023, the active team reviewed new By-laws and voted to ratified them.
These By-laws will allow the Active team and Alumni to merge into one unified group
A 12-member board of directors (six alumni; six active players) will be created to help shape the long-term visions of the club, as well as to meet annual financial obligations to achieve this vision.
The E- Board will still be in place and will handle the day-to-day operations of the club as it has always done.
The Board of Directors will have the overall fiduciary responsibility for "THE CLUB". As stated above they will not be involved in the day-to-day operations.
The Board of Directors will work with the E-Board to oversee the finances and budget to help protect SRRFC's financial status.
Over 12 months ago the alumni came to the current Executive Board to speak about about merging the active club with the alumni. This request makes sense for a number of reasons. Over the past few years, the Alumni have come together like never before and have been able to provide support for the active players on the team, both with fundraising, as well as other no monetary support. Unfortunately, as the By-Laws are currently written the Alumni are not recognized in any way, only active members are part of the club.
In parallel with this support from the alumni both the men's and women's teams have seen growth in both level of play, as well as the player base. This influx in both players and support means that the club has the ability to for the first time in years look ahead years down the line and not just season to season. The merger would allow us to establish a 12-member board of directors (six alumni; six active players) that will guide the CLUB as it fulfills its mission to grow and sustain Severn River RFC. The Board will provide a vision for fund development, recruitment, alumni and player development, and cultivation. It will also focus on pursuing additional fields, youth development, and support. A series of committees composed of both active players and alumni will be established to support these efforts.
The end goal of the merger is to allow the active players to still control the direction and culture of the club as it grows and changes with each new player, but also allow the alumni to continue to help guide the team they worked for years to create and cultivate. This will also help remove some of the administrative burdens from the current leadership roles of the team, and make them more approachable to players who want to support the team more than just on the pitch.
Severn River Rugby is at a crossroads, we have never been better positioned with both active players and alumni. The ratification of the By-Laws and the creation of the Board of Directors will allow us to become the premier team in the Mid Atlantic, and allow us to grow not only on the pitch but in the community as a whole.
Club President: Colin Gotimer
Club Vice President: Samantha Bottorf
Club Treasurer: Steve Long
Club Secretary: Lindsay Morris
Club Social Media Manager: Lenni Ferreira
Men's Team President: Joe “Spaceman Joe” Milluzzo
Women's Team President: Bri Leonard
Mens Team P-Board
Men’s Team President: Joe “Spaceman Joe” Milluzzo
Men’s Team Governor: Mike Divvers
Men’s Team Treasurer: Nick Stratchko
Men’s Team Match Secretary: Michael “Nips” Nichols
Men’s Team Field and Equipment: Daniel Wooddell
Men’s Team Social Chair: Mike “Butters” Gibson
Men’s Team Social Media Manager: Omar Ledezma
Men’s Team Selector: Richard Maldonado
Men’s Team Captain: Jake Davis
Womens Team V-board
Women’s Team President: Bri Leonard
Women’s Team VP: Maria Russo
Women’s Team Treasurer: Lily Soliday
Women’s Team Field and Equipment: Angela Moore
Women’s Team Match Secretary: Bri “Breezy” Noewinski
Women’s Team Social Chair: Victoria Zito
Women’s Team Social Media Manager: Caroline Heimerl
Women’s Team Alumni Relations: Katie Turner
Women’s Team DEI Chair: Lexi Decker
Women’s Team Captains: Hope Wasserman & Tanya Salinas
(Left to Right) Men's Team President: Joe “Spaceman Joe” Milluzzo, Club Secretary: Lindsay Morris, Club Vice President: Samantha Bottorf, Club President: Colin Gotimer, Club Social Media Manager: Lenni Ferreira, Women's Team President: Bri Leonard, Club Treasurer: Steve Long
(Left to Right) Men’s Team Match Secretary: Michael “Nips” Nichols, Men’s Team Governor: Mike Divvers, Men’s Team Social Media Manager: Omar Ledezma, Men’s Team Selector: Richard Maldonado, Men’s Team Social Chair: Mike “Butters” Gibson, Men’s Team President: Joe “Spaceman Joe” Milluzzo, Men’s Team Treasurer: Nick Stratchko, Men’s Team Captain: Jake Davis
Men’s Team Field and Equipment: Daniel Wooddell
(Top, Left to Right) Women’s Team Captains: Hope Wasserman, Women’s Team Alumni Relations: Katie Turner, Women’s Team President: Bri Leonard, Women’s Team VP: Maria Russo, Women’s Team DEI Chair: Lexi Decker, Women’s Team Field and Equipment: Angela Moore
(Bottom, Left to Right) Women’s Team Captain: Tanya Salinas, Women’s Team Social Media Manager: Caroline Heimerl, Women’s Team Social Chair: Victoria Zito
Women’s Team Match Secretary: Bri “Breezy” Noewinski
Women’s Team Treasurer: Lily Soliday