Board of Directors: Planning

Greetings to the entire Severn River Family!

The purpose of this message is to provide some clarity around the formation of a club Board of Directors that was initiated after a vote by the current team to ratify new bylaws on June 29, 2023. The key concept to keep in mind is that the structure of this Board hasn't been established yet; it is a metaphorical plane being built while flying.  The plan is to have an official launch of the Board of Directors in the summer of 2024.

You might be wondering…

What is the Board of Directors?

The purpose of the Board is to push the club forward and make decisions in the long-term best interests of the club.  The vision is to unite the current team and alumni, and alleviate active players of some of the administrative tasks of running the club. Currently, the Board members are exploring “passion projects” and ideas for different committees that will enhance the life of Severn River. Moving forward, the Board will have elected members that continue committee and operations work.

How were the members of the Board selected?

Six alumni and six current team members were informally invited to volunteer to represent alumni and current players for the inaugural six months of the Board. They are tasked with building the structure and defining the operation procedures of the Board before its official launch in June 2024… basically these twelve folks will be working to get this thing off the ground! There will be a formal election in June (more details to follow) to secure the official twelve members of the Board, according to the procedure in the approved bylaws. There are one-, two-, and three-year terms for the Boards inaugural class.

Who are the 12 volunteers?

Current Team: Charlee Bryan, Erik Dronberger, Milton Greenstreet, Joseph Milluzzo, Lily Soliday, Katie Turner

Alumni: Jenn Fenzel, Katie Fitzgerald, Marty O’Neill, Henry Posko, Rachel Priddy, Ruth Seerey

How can I get involved?

The twelve volunteers will be reaching out to determine what the priorities of the club are. While there is much to be done, not everything can be done at once. Committees will be formed for those priorities and we will need both alumni and current players to collaborate and offer expertise in respective areas. You can get involved by sharing what you feel is a priority and/or volunteering for a committee. We want to capitalize on the strengths of everyone in the whole club!

What are the responsibilities of the Board of Directors versus the Operations Board?

Board of Directors Operations Board (AKA E-board)

Focuses on the long-term strategy of the club Focuses on day-to-day operations of the teams


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