The Ravens Rundown

Left to Right: Picture # 1: Nicole Wenger, Maria Russo, Sarah Patterson, Michael Schaefer Picture # 2: Gareth Owen, Nick Stratchko, Ryan Kivitz Picture # 3: Jaz Lawhorn, Marisa Hernandez, Maggi Riggin, Maria Russo


By: Bri Leonard

A heartfelt thank you to all the dedicated volunteers who contributed to the success of the Baltimore Ravens fundraiser this season. Your commitment and enthusiasm truly made a difference.

The Ravens fundraiser stands as Severn River's cornerstone fundraiser each year, contributing significantly to nearly forty percent of its operating expenses. This year witnessed an extraordinary effort as Severn worked two additional home games, courtesy of the Ravens' soaring into the playoffs. Moreover, they seized the opportunity to boost their funds by participating in the Billy Joel/Stevie Nicks concert earlier in the year.

A special nod goes to Conor Cusick, dubbed our "Pretzel King," whose meticulous attention ensured that every pretzel served was seasoned to perfection. Gratitude extends to those who went above and beyond, working multiple games: Michael “Butters” Gibson, Ryan Kivitz, Marisa Hernandez, Margaret Riggin, Jazmin Lawhorn, Michael Schaefer, Maria Russo, Nick Strachko, and Ashley Gereli.

Beyond fundraising, volunteering with the Ravens cultivates camaraderie and offers firsthand immersion in the game's excitement. It's akin to securing a front-row ticket to the greatest show on turf, where fans bleed purple and “In Lamar We Trust.” The only thing more unpredictable than the weather is the Ravens playbook…and maybe how many beverages the club actually needed to stock for the games.

A special thanks to Maria Russo and Michael Divver for their tireless efforts in organizing and coordinating our club's involvement and for their exceptional work in navigating the complexities of Ravens scheduling. Without their hard work and dedication, none of this would be possible. Cheers to a fantastic season!




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